[VIDEO] The Importance Of Securing Yourself, Your Family And Your Assets | NRA News Commentator Dom Raso
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NRA News Commentators | Episode 99 “Family and Firearms” NRA News Commentator and former Navy SEAL Dom Raso talks about the importance of securing yourself, your family and your assets.
Initiative 594 is a measure that will appear on Washington’s November ballot. A universal handgun registration scheme, I-594 would regulate transfers — not just sales — of all firearms in the Evergreen State. That means if a friend wants to try your gun at the range, you would have to broker the transfer through a…
[VIDEO] Shaneen Allen: A Crusader of Change
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A single mother of two young children, Shaneen Allen had already been robbed twice before she decided to buy a firearm to protect herself and her family. That firearm, a Bersa Thunder 380, is now in police custody because of New Jersey’s draconian gun laws. Michael Sodini, president of Eagle Imports — the sole U.S.…