• You And The Anti-Gunner; Tips For The Discussion

    Is there an anti-gunner in your life? In my family I seem to be the exception. Just about all my family is rabid anti-gun. My mother, for example, is a thoughtful and intelligent woman. Let me tell you she loses it when the topic of guns comes up.  Completely irrational.  I will never understand the…

  • New To Carrying? Here Are 5 Things To Consider

    So, lately I’ve been thinking quite a bit about conceal carry and how there are many people out there getting their permits and carrying for the first time. I thought I’d jot down some ideas that may be of help to the newbie. 1) Have total confidence in your pistol. Whatever pistol you have chosen…

  • [FIREARM REVIEW] Walther PPS 9mm

    [FIREARM REVIEW] Walther PPS 9mm

    I will never understand why this pistol has not been more popular.  Single stack 9mm.  I constantly hear people bemoan the fact Glock has yet to produce a single stack 9 and want to pull my hair out.  This is the single stack 9mm you all have been hoping for.  This is a terrific pistol.…

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