Would You Loan A Gun To A Friend During A Pandemic?

I’ve seen this question come up a lot over the past few days. Gun owners are being asked by friends for a loan. Not cash, but guns and ammo. With uncertainty around the corner, many are doing what they can to arm themselves in case the worst happens.

The laws in this topic vary from state to state, so you’ll want to check out the legalities in your area. That is, if you’d loan a gun.

I would under the right circumstances. As an example, a friend with limited funds wants a gun at the home in case some looting took place after a hurricane. I’d be happy to help, and even take him to the range so that he was familiar with that particular firearm. I knew this person well, and knew they could handle a firearm safely.

In Florida, it’s always a smart idea to draw up a bill of sale, trade, or other document stating that the firearm is a loan. Probably not a bad idea anywhere. And of course, we need to be secure in our decision making, meaning having confidence that we believe the person to be of good moral character, and no flashy criminal history. And it’s equally important to know that they know how to use a firearm safely.

But some states don’t allow this at all. For example, New York. What then? You’d be breaking the law if you did.

What about a pandemic scare? Would you oblige a friend’s request to borrow one of your firearms if it were legal to do so? Does your state allow such a thing?

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