
A Terrorist Set Off A Bomb In A NYC Subway This Morning, And He’s The One With The Worst Injuries

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK — In a attempt at what appears to have been a failed suicide bombing, a 27-year-old terrorist suspect is in custody in a Manhattan hospital after sustaining injuries from his homemade bomb that partially detonated inside a subway terminal this morning.

The suspect, Akayed Ullah, set off his device in a subway passage around 7:30am during rush hour. Three people are reported to have received minor injuries, but the brunt of the force was taken by the terrorist himself. After police subdued him, he was taken to the hospital with some minor burns and lacerations.

His homemade device was said to be strapped to his body via zip ties and Velcro.

NBCNews.com reports;

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called the explosion an “attempted terror attack” and said there were no additional known incidents.

“Thank God the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals. Thank God our first responders were there so quickly to address the situation,” de Blasio said. He called the situation “incredibly unsettling” for New Yorkers, 6 million of whom rely on the subway for their commutes every day.

Law enforcement officials said the device either went off prematurely or only partially detonated,

Former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton said preliminary information indicated that the explosion was carried out in the name of the Islamic State.

Luckily, this terrorist failed in his attempt to create death and destruction, as this incident could have been much worse than it was. Having an attack inside the subway system is a scary thought, and seeing the police acting so quickly and with such bravery in the face of this terrorist incident is something that lets us know that New York City is always ready to rush in when it is required.

The above photo was taken of the suspect after being in police custody. If we could see his face, we would see the face of defeat and embarrassment.

A video of the incident can be seen below. After the explosion, the person seen lying on the ground is the terrorist suspect, probably very upset that he’s still alive.

Being a target for terrorists, New York City is one of the most –if not the most– resilient places on the planet. New Yorkers will not cower in the face of these individuals who look to destroy and disrupt their way of life.

We hope that the three injured people are able to make quick recoveries.

And, we hope that this surviving suspect is charged and convicted, and sentenced to the maximum penalty available under the law.

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