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Concealed Carrier Shoots German Shepherd After Owner Releases Dog On Him

During a 3 am trip to the dog park, two men got into an argument that police say took a turn for the worst when one of the men released his German Shepherd.

The men were arguing about 3 a.m. in the 400 block of South Franklin Street when one of them released his German shepherd, prompting the other man to shoot the dog, Chicago police said.

via suntimes.com

The dog was taken to the vet for treatment, and will apparently survive the encounter.

As for the men, no charges have been filed as of yet. That could change, however.

One of my big questions is why they were at the dog park at 3 o’clock in the morning. One could argue that they work off hours and it’s the only time they have available, but it’s still not a typical time for that kind of activity.

If a dog is moving towards you in an aggressive manner, it can be a ‘no joke’ scenario. Defending yourself is usually justified, if the story presented is factual.

I hope that the dog is able to make a full recovery, and glad to see that no one else was injured.

Remember: Be mindful of where you’re going, and at what times. More importantly, don’t get into arguments. Our goal as armed citizens is to avoid confrontation, and do what we can to remove ourselves from any volatile situation.

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