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Man Shot Twice By Gas Station Clerk After Attacking Him With A Bottle

MACOMB TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN — With so much craziness in the news these days, sometimes you scratch your head and wonder what some people are thinking. In Michigan, a man walks into a gas station and attacks the clerk with….a bottle. Well the clerk wasn’t having any of that nonsense.

According to authorities, a man entered the gas station and struck the clerk over the head with a bottle. The employee shot the man twice in the abdomen.

Police said the man was conscious when he was taken to the hospital to be treated for his injuries. The clerk was also checked out medically.

Via ClickOnDetroit

The report did not say that his was a robbery attempt, so it looks like the man with the bottle was just looking to assault someone. Of course, for the clerk, being smashed on the head by a bottle was enough to take strong self defense measures. In this case, the clerk drew his gun and fired.

Police are still investigating and reviewing all the camera footage. At this time, however, the clerk is not facing charges. Both men were taken to the hospital and had their injuries treated.

No motive has yet been revealed for the cause of the attack. It’s a good thing the clerk was carrying, because who knows what this nutjob with the bottle was capable of.

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