Questionable Police Shooting Offers Tips And Advice. From Your Perspective, Was This A Justified Shooting?
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2020 was a year where officers came under a lot of scrutiny for actions of a few, and it’s still happening today. Those who do wrong should absolutely be held accountable, but the vast majority of officers do things by the book. Not all, though. One recent and questionable police involved shooting happened back towards…
Video has surfaced that shows the entire altercation between neighbors that occurred on February 2nd, which we reported on earlier this week. The video is graphic, chilling, and contains strong language. We use this and share this for a number of reasons, including but not limited to: Walking away from confrontation, realizing that someone may…
It’s a tough video to watch, but truly highlights the importance of training, and knowing your way around the tools that you have. A woman is seen on surveillance camera at a shop walking behind the counter, followed by a man in a motorcycle helmet. She senses that something is off and has her handgun…
Preying on the innocent and unsuspecting is the criminal’s goal in many cases. They see opportunities and take them, and they’re not going to give you much warning –if any– in most cases. Such as we see in the video below. A man is returning to his apartment complex by himself, minding his own business.…
Man Charged After Shooting Innocent Bystander While Trying To Defend Himself Against Armed Attackers
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Remember: You are responsible for every single bullet that leaves the barrel of your firearm. A self-defense situation came about in the video below, and the driver of the black vehicle fired in self-defense when their vehicle came under attack. That driver, however, wound up shooting an innocent bystander who was in a neighboring vehicle,…
We personally don’t want to experience malfunctions with our firearms, but if we do, most of us know how to properly clear them. What’s acceptable, though, is a malfunction for the bad guy’s firearm, both giving the chance for the target to make an escape or better yet, defend themselves with an operating firearm of…
Life Can Change In An Instant, And Some Bad Guys Will Take You Out Without A Second Thought
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Ever thought that you’d be on vacation and have two armed thugs storm your rental unit? It happens, and it happened to this group of people while enjoying some relaxing time. Things happen quickly, and that’s a topic that we discuss frequently. Having the ability to keep your guard up, even a little, at all…