Firearm Safety
[VIDEO] Woman Almost Takes Out Her Boyfriend With AK-47 Because She Has No Idea About Firearm Safety
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Guns are fun to shoot, but they’re also a very serious thing. To take someone out into the woods to shoot a rifle, that admittedly has no training whatsoever, is probably not the smartest idea. [ad location=”Posts – Middle Post”] After pointing the rifle directly at her boyfriend immediately after shooting, she doesn’t get why…
An Avoidable Tragedy; 3-Year-Old Shoots 1-Year-Old, Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams Blames “Fascination” With Handguns Across The Country
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CLEVELAND, OHIO — A 1-year-old was shot and killed, presumably by a 3-year-old who somehow got his hands on a handgun. It’s a tragedy that we should never hear about because it’s a completely avoidable thing. The firearm was left unattended and accessible to the 3-year-old. Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams vows to find out…
[VIDEO] As Scary As It Gets: Man Is Downrange During Shooting Competition, Nearly Gets Shot
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There is absolutely no excuse that anyone could come up with that would justify what happens in the video above. Posted on YouTube by user, you can see the scary scenario unfold right before everyone’s eyes during a shooting competition. Remember folks, safety is everyone’s responsibility and things can happen when we get complacent. This…
Safe Firearm Storage: Take No Chances
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The story of a missing 13 year old boy took a tragic turn yesterday when it was confirmed that the boy took his own life with a firearm he took from his home. The boy, Cayman Naib, went missing from his suburban Philadelphia home on Wednesday. The story attracted national attention when he was found…
This article describes a recent safety related situation from a factory loaded Winchester .45 Auto 230 Grain Full Metal Jacket (FMJ), and will emphasize why target ammunition in your Every Day Carry (EDC) is not advised. The article will also reinforce three safe gun handling rules for new owners. I loaded my magazines with the…
I won’t point any fingers, but I’ve seen negligence first-hand at the range on numerous occasions. Most of the occurrences seem to be from a lack of safety training. So it begs the question; Should people who want to carry a firearm be required to complete some sort of formal firearms training? A few years…
One of the choices the beginning concealed carrier has to make is the type of firearm to carry. The majority choose the semi-automatic or auto-loading pistol, but there is a strong minority who favor the revolver. This decision, combined with the choice of round to be used, determines the type of training required to become a…
Here’s a story you wish you never had to read about, but thankful for the positive outcome in more ways than one. In Lapeer County, MI an 11-year-old girl’s quick thinking and decisive action eventually led to the arrest of two criminals involved in at least 50 home robberies. What could have been a very…