SUBMIT YOUR #DIGTHERIG | SEE MORE SUBMISSIONS HERE 1) Ruger SP101 Model 5720 2) Braids IWB Holster 3) I carry this wheel gun because of its simplicity, reliability, ruggedness, and the nostalgic and historic significance of revolvers, in general. I carry it everyday and everywhere I’m legally allowed. I am also okay with the reduced ammo capacity.…
#DIGTHERIG – Darren and his Many Setups
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SUBMIT YOUR #DIGTHERIG | SEE MORE SUBMISSIONS HERE Glock 17,19,and 23. I carry in either an Alien Gear Cloak Tuck and DeSantis Quick-Chek Scabbard depending on weather, hot weather is Cloak Tuck is the most comfortable I have found after many purchases. Quick-Chek OWB in cold weather for better access and that it has a double sided release to…