We’re teaming up with USA Carry to analyze video of a real break-in. The victim, who is a firearms instructor for USCCA, joins us to talk about training for restraint and being responsible even under attack. The event will premier Thursday, June 18th at 8 pm EST on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Learn more about USCCA coverage…
Tonight, we sit down for a live chat with Jordan Stein, who is the Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America. Jordan Stein is the Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America (GOA), a grassroots organization representing more than two million gun owners and activists. In addition to assisting GOA’s lobbying efforts on…
CCX2 S01E14: Open Forum
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Today, we’re keeping things light and having an open discussion based on questions that come in, and may even have a guest pop in for a bit. Find the LIVE below beginning at 9pm EST:
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We’ve got a million things to talk about today! Join us below starting at 9pm EST.