Beginners Guides
I’ve seen the news headlines just as you have: “8 year old accidentally shoots and kills friend” “Child shoots self while playing with Father’s pistol” “Two young children shot by friend inside their home” These stories bring us to tears and we often wonder how they could have been prevented. How did a child gain…
This has to be the number 1 question that I come across on the Concealed Nation Facebook Page. There has always been a lot of talk as to the effectiveness of calibers in a self-defense situation, and everyone will always have their favorite caliber and the reasons they choose that caliber to protect themselves. I’m…
Learning to draw, increasing your muscle memory and adjusting your mindset are three important aspects of concealed carry. Your Draw There are many ways to draw from different concealment positions, and learning and practicing the best ways for you are crucial. You never want to be in a situation where you need to get to…
Concealed Carry During The Winter Months
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With the colder months comes layered clothing and behavioral changes. If you carry a concealed firearm, there are a few things that you should keep in mind during the winter to ensure you are still prepared and ready to go at a moments notice. Winter Jackets During the summer, you are more likely wearing a…
We all love going to the range and firing our handguns, but with any piece of machinery comes the occasional problem. Knowing how to address different types of handgun malfunctions is crucial to your safety, the safety of those around you, and will minimize any potential damage to your handgun. In this article, we are…
Gun Range Etiquette
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We recently posted an article dealing with gun shop etiquette and felt it would be a nice follow up to write about range etiquette as well. When dealing with firearms, there are things that each of us should be aware of as they have their own set of rules not found anywhere else. Be sure…