• Gun Sights: When To Replace Them And Why

    It’s funny that many gun owners will spend oodles of dollars on extended magazines, custom grips, and flashlight rail accessories but never once look at the sights that come standard on the handgun. Most guns come with basic contrast sights. That usually means that there’s two dots in the rear and one up front. Line…

  • What Sweat Does To Your Concealed Carry Handgun

    If you make the daily habit of carrying a concealed handgun, it’s very likely your gun and holster gets soaked in sweat. On the daily, it’s really not much of a serious consideration. However, we should take a look at what sweat can do to a concealed carry handgun — both superficially and otherwise. Sweat…

  • Is ‘Printing’ A Big Deal? And How Much Do You Worry About It?

    When I’m weighing which gun to carry out the door, I always want the bigger gun. I love full size capabilities and I hate having to compromise down to a smaller, concealable gun. In my daily life, however, printing isn’t an option. I carry on the job. I’m not a police officer or first responder.…

  • Why You Need A Pocket Pistol, Even If You Don’t Pocket Carry

    By Salvatore via USA Carry I get it. Carry the biggest gun you can. I am a believer in that. I carry a double-stack autoloader the majority of the time. I find that most people can carry a more formidable gun than they think and I encourage all to do so. However, most of us lead…

  • Do You Wear Gloves When You Practice Shooting?

    I like stippled grips on my handguns. The textured surface helps give my hand that leverage it needs to take a nice, high hold of the pistol. Years of spending quality time with my handguns on the range has lead me to use shooting gloves when I want to put some long hours. Shooting gloves…

  • Can You Carry Concealed AND Suppressed?

    Can You Carry Concealed AND Suppressed?

    I remember when suppressors weren’t a common sight at the range. They were relegated to hyper-fictionalized movies about assassins and spies. Now, I think the common person is at least somewhat aware of the benefits of suppressed firearms. Suppressors reduce the recoil and damaging noise associated with shooting a gun. For hunters, it means hearing…

  • How Red Dot Sights Can Save Your Life

    How Red Dot Sights Can Save Your Life

    Every gun owner knows the saying. Say it with me. “When seconds matter, the police are minutes away.” It’s not an insult to the police. They work hard and can only be so many places at once. It’s just a sober fact. In a life-or-death situation, it will take police time to get to your…

  • 5 Perfect Pistols For Your First Handgun

    By Sam Hooper via USACARRY.COM There’s nothing like a person’s first handgun. It’s the base upon which a person’s shooting skills will be built and may be with a person for the rest of their life. So it had better be a good one, but ideally shouldn’t cost too much. After all, it’s not a…

  • [VIDEO] Changing Your Grip For Better Accuracy

    USCCA’s ‘Into The Fray’ series of videos offer some great insight into firearms and concealed carry. Their latest episode gives some terrific pointers that show how changing your grip can give you better accuracy when at the range. Below is a written explanation of the change, and you can also watch the video above for…