Dean Weingarten
Gunfight: Police and Homeowner vs Burglars
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video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Citizens and police make an effective team to stop crime. Where there is high cooperation with, and trust of the police, crime rates tend to be very low. In this case in Brentwood, Florida, cooperation went a bit further than exchanging information. The police and homeowner cooperated in returning…
911 Dispatchers Can Give Bad Advice
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The quality of the operator that you contact with a 911 call varies greatly. Some departments start their officers as dispatchers, so that they understand what is happening on the other end of the line; in some jurisdictions, the job is a political plum to be awarded; in others the position is a heavily protected…
Governor Rick Snyder has signed the concealed carry reform bills into law. Governor Snyder, who vetoed virtually the same bills only six weeks ago, signed them just hours ago. Senate Bills 34 and 35 are now Public acts 3 and 4 of 2015. The bills had passed with strong, veto proof majorities in both the House…
On Friday, 27 February, 2015, John Lott gave testimony at the Wyoming legislature, which is considering eliminating many gun free zones. Dr. Lott’s testimony was so impressive, that Wyoming Public Television invited him on Capitol Outlook Week. The video has been posted on YouTube. Everyone who is interested in public mass shootings and concealed carry…
Constitutional carry is moving in New Hampshire. The bill is SB116 in the Senate and HB582 in the House. It passed the Senate on 12 February. It was introduced by the Senate Majority leader. Constitutional carry came within a hair of being passed in 2011. Many believe that hamhanded tactics by the NRA representative killed…
Both houses of the Michigan legislature have passed their signature gun reform legislation. The bills will be sent to Governor Snyder again. In January, the Governor vetoed nearly identical bills over minor parts that had been trumpeted in the media as significant. The legislature took out the minor parts of the bill that the media…