• When something goes wrong, how do you get back in the fight? Tap, Rack, Bang

    If you’ve been around firearms for a while, chances are you’ve experienced some sort of malfunction with a firearm you were operating. At the range, it’s a great opportunity to recognize the malfunction and more importantly, know how to clear it. This is where TAP, RACK, BANG can come into play. Let’s assume that you…

  • *VIDEO* Only you can prevent a Negligent Discharge

    It doesn’t matter who you are. Knowing your firearm and the way you carry are essential parts to eliminating a negligent discharge. This video shows a police chief accidentally firing his firearm while re-holstering inside a gun shop. The culprit was the drawstring on his jacket. This video is an important lesson of attire: Be…

  • Public universities in Florida now allow guns on campus

    An estimated 1 in 14 people in the state of Florida carry concealed, and now college students at public universities are allowed to carry on campus; but must leave their firearm in their vehicle. It seems that many universities are scrambling to adhear to the new law, and we are not 100% certain if it’s…

  • Children and Firearms: How to prevent firearm accidents in the home

    I’ve seen the news headlines just as you have: “8 year old accidentally shoots and kills friend” “Child shoots self while playing with Father’s pistol” “Two young children shot by friend inside their home” These stories bring us to tears and we often wonder how they could have been prevented. How did a child gain…

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