Reader Writes: Bad Info Leads To Denied Permit

Reader Crystal sends us this message about concealed carry permits. It’s a hassle when wrong information is provided, and it seems to me that the instructor should provide a refund. Thoughts? But there’s more to the story…

I will have to say one thing that really ticks me off about concealed carrying permits..

First off I don’t mind paying and having my fingerprints ran I have nothing to hide I want to be able to carry my gun for my safety and not have to show the world that I am carrying, and not get arrested in some states for carrying with out that permit..

Now this is what makes my blood boil..

My husband and I went home for the holidays and my mother paid for us to take a class for a Christmas gift.. we took the class paid all the fees and filled out the paperwork and finger prints and picture this whole nine.. well the state we submitted it in the instructor said to us since the state you live in is a reciprocity state and your military your application will be ok.. ✋ wrong answer the state that we originally sent our application in said since we do not have a state id for that state then we need to get a permit from the state we live in and then resubmit our application with them and then we can get our permit..

What piss me off about all this is the state employee told me that the states call these classes their money makers.. when our military home record is in the state we sat in the class and paid for and we where told it was ok.. the instructor also is a cop and is nationally certified with the NRA to teach these classes and we still have to pay to go through a class again and pay more money..

I said it is sad I can purchase a gun easier than I can get a piece of paper that allows me to carry a gun privately and I can get a passport..

I think we should make it harder to buy a gun than to get a piece of paper 📝 again to carry a gun…

Someone please explain this logic???

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