Every Night Carry


You have chosen to carry concealed because you have decided as we all do, that our safety and the safety of our loved ones is our personal responsibility. You’ve chosen a gun, and you’ve chosen a quality holstering system that fits your needs. Carrying daily has become not only a habit but also a natural […]

Why Did They Shoot? Explaining Lethal Force Misconceptions


The firearm is, of course, the primary weapon that civilians and police officers alike rely on for personal protection in the United States. Yet, despite being the world’s foremost gun culture, the general populace has little understanding of this weapon’s role in self-defense and lethal force in general. Therefore, this lack of understanding often fuels […]

Press Check: Know Your Firearm’s Status


The “press check” is an administrative gun handling task that is used to verify the status of a firearm to see if the weapon is chambered. While simple enough in principle, there is considerable controversy regarding when this task should be conducted. Doing a press check requires the handling of a loaded firearm, which is […]

Are You Too Good For Training?


If you got your concealed carry permit in a state that has a mandatory training requirement, you already know the potentially intense boredom that comes from sitting in a classroom for several hours waiting to get some range time. There are people who have never fired a single shot in their life and most introductory […]