The Grey Man Concept and Clothing Choice


“One who excels as a warrior does not appear formidable” – Lao Tzu There is a concept known as “grey man” that is discussed extensively within self-defense and tactical circles and it generally suggests that blending in with your surroundings and not standing out is beneficial: be the “grey man.” We don’t want to stand […]

Essential Self-Defense Law Part III: Maintain Innocence


Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part I: Imminence’ Here Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part II: Appropriate Force’ Here In the first part of this three part article I laid out three essential principles of self-defense law that all armed citizens should be familiar with: understanding of imminence, understanding of appropriate force, and the maintenance of innocence […]

Low Light Shooting: A Realistic Approach for the Concealed Carrier


There is an entire industry, both in manufacturing and in training, which caters to “night fighting” and it gets a lot of attention. Many of these products and techniques are relevant to military and law enforcement personnel. However, outside of the home, low light shooting techniques play an incredibly small (virtually non-existent) part in civilian […]

Essential Self-Defense Law Part II: Appropriate Force


Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part I: Imminence’ Here Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part III: Maintain Innocence’ Here In the first installment of this article I laid out three legal principles that I firmly believe all armed citizens should be well aware of as a bare minimum of self-defense law understanding: The ability to recognize an […]

Essential Self-Defense Law Part I: Imminence


Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part II: Appropriate Force’ Here Read ‘Essential Self-Defense Law Part III: Maintain Innocence’ Here I am not an attorney, nor do I propose to offer legal advice of any kind. I am, however, a gun writer and trainer that has become propelled to pen this article because I see an incredible […]